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Services Offered by UKS SC

Premium Services, Guaranteed









Installation Process


What you pay for when buying a solar system

When you purchase a Solar System from UKS Solar Company (Pvt) Ltd, there's alot more you're buying than simple hardware and installation.



At UKS Solar Company, your system is designed with utmost skill while keeping in mind the expected 25 year life cycle of the system. We use market leading components with direct manufacturer's warranty to ensure a smooth and convenient experience for you. Every component is studied thoroughly and only the best is choosen for implementation.

We avoid cutting any corners to save us a few bucks, instead we install all the necessary hardware for your protection and mental peace.

There are around 45+ different components which go into a 5kW solar solution and each of them has to be carefully installed.



Alongside the hardware, UKS Solar Company provides its customers with the latest mobile applications, available on both iOS and Android, so that the customer can view insights about his system in real time. The apps provide access to usage history, real time production and consumption, monthly and yearly database and much more.

That too all for FREE! No monthly charges whatsoever!



Our team includes engineers from the best universities of Pakistan, while the experience in solar industry reaches out beyond borders. Every solar system goes through a rigorous designing phase with very strict quality control protocols. Each of our system is designed with keeping in mind the minimum product life of 25 years!

We strive to make the customer as educated and hassle-free as possible. We do all the Reasearch and Development so you don't have to.

There are 45+ components in a single solar solution so every component has to be specifically matched with each other to avoid any incoveniences in the future.